Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One last time

Being back here makes me having a mixed feeling. It's good and it's bad. Good as in I'm back doing something I loved and enjoyed in the past and bad as in it outcasts me somehow in a way.

This camp brings back hell lot of memories, mostly the good ones. I mean it, seriously. If it's not that good then I wouldn't continue joining it in 2002, 2003 and 2004, and later help in 2005 and 2007. I know it's 2011 now, 10 years since I participated in the first camp (and count that as 1) but these feeling has never change. I love it, I enjoy it, I learn a lot from it, I know people, etc. 

But something happens in 2007 that changes everything. I don't know the exact reason for that but it seems I become the bad boy. And again, seriously. I can see their expression towards me, I can hear their tone talking to me, I can sense those hidden meaning behind those words. Call me sensitive or whatever but don't tell me it means nothing. I mean, those words and looks were like a slap in my face indirectly.

I understand if you blame me for not doing a good job nor mess up the all important agenda of the camp but then again nothing went wrong. And in fact, I managed to better the idea of the all new programme outdoor activities (due to lack of budget for the usual outdoor trip) and everyone loved it. I admit I did not use any of ideas proposed but mine but at least I did ask a few people about it, and they loved it, and most importantly it went smoothly and being continued till today. Personally I felt glad and happy because it was given to me to handle (although I wanted the grand event TL) because I wanted to prove that I can do work as well. 

Oh I know, clever people can do work very well because they do A-Z and give you 100%. Smart people can overcome everything not because doing something behind your back or not following A-Z but because they know very well every single thing covering every aspect needed, and they might surprise you with 150%.

Sincerely I wanted to talk about it but 4 years had come and gone and there's no reason and unnecessary to bring it up again. Either you get the answer you want or it hurts badly later.

Of course I would like to help back again if possible, but it looks like it wouldn't go that way again. Adios.

Monday, November 21, 2011

5 reasons why they want to see you again

Why would anyone want to have brunch/lunch/dinner with their ex?

Glad you ask. :P

Well, there are only 5 possible motives behind an "ex whatever-outing-you-plan-to-have".

1. They want to get back together
Duh. I mean, what else? Obviously something is still going on in there and that little hope is still hoping for a change of heart. You will talk about anything and before you realize, you guys will be talking about what happened between you two in the past.

2. They want to kill you
Okay, alright, maybe not kill-because it's against the laws. Say, maybe they just want to poison you instead. :P Or maybe, they just want to scream at you later, letting go the anger or what-so-ever. Perhaps you hurt them badly. Who knows.

3. They actually want to give something back to you
You guys were happy but still broke up later. And they gave you something as a gift but you don't think you deserve it any more or maybe you don't want to see it in your room or you scare you new partner might get jealous. For any reason, you just want to give them back. Nothing more. (I guess)

4. To rub your face in how great they're doing
This one gotta be kinda hurt. I mean, he/she moved on and found someone later. And things are cool between you two, so later you meet up but he/she started talking about how well he/she is doing now, especially when you are not and still thinking about them.

5. Just to talk as normal friend
Neh, I'm just out of idea actually but trust me, even if you guys are actually gonna go out talk to each other as if there's nothing happen at all before, somehow the topic will be related to the fact#4. Either you intentionally/unintentionally talk about it or they will. He/She most probably say "Suck it" indirectly to your face so be smart.

Oh well, I do believe stuffs like this surely will take place somehow, it just depends how bad it might be ended up. You might be remain as friends but somehow these topic is not avoidable.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The 10 timing

So if someone is mad/angry at you, and they wouldn't listen to you/care anything less/walk away etc., what should you do? Leave them alone because time will heal everything. How long? Glad you ask. :)

1. An hour - Or less than that, especially you guys are super best friend (or something near there). They won't be mad for that long right? :D

2. A day - Oh well, I guess you did something bad don't you? Then don't worry, let your friend(s) to cool down in a day time. Things should get better the next day.

3. A week - The maximum time of a best/close friend should be mad at you. I mean, you pretty mess up some serious stuffs here don't you? See them back within a week and they will listen to your explanation (and it better be a good one too)

4. A month - I'm guessing this person is just a normal friend or somebody who don't understand you well yet. A month time should be enough.

5. 3 months - Oh well, is this something very bad? Involving some kind of trust or promises you made? Might talk to you back after 3 months. :O

6. Half a year - If 3 months do not do the trick then wait for another 3 months more. You guys will be back to normal by then. :)

7. A year - So you broke their heart by some kind of mean? Oh well, I guess by a year when everything is already fine and everyone already moved on.

8. 2 and a half year - I'm guessing again, you guys dated and someone hurts the other pretty bad. Very bad.

9. 5 years - In this case I'm guessing that that person suddenly gone missing and you meet them back (a lot) later and start talking back. Don't repeat the same mistake man.

10. Unknown - It depends on the stuff you did and their personality. Good luck in this case.

But hey, if you make someone mad at you, wouldn't you take action to repair that damage? Time might be involve but still it needs you to take action or otherwise it will take longer time than it should. And if you (really) care for them, then you know what to do (although some really depend on the time to heal back the wound).